

My name is Chris McLeod and I would like to welcome you to my blog, Little to No Organization. It got its name because many years ago I would enter ‘little to no’  in the field labeled ‘organization’ when I was required to fill out a template for a Unix .plan file in college. I thought it was funny (hey, I was 19, cut me some slack) and an apt description for how I was approaching my school work and life…

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The True Value of Your Time

The True Value of Your Time

Ugh… It’s Monday morning, and you don’t want to get out of bed. Getting up means going to work, and you aren’t sure you can face it. Not that there is anything wrong with your job. Well, nothing you can put your finger on. Nothing that anyone else would agree was a reason to pull your blankets over your head and stay home. What Is Wrong With You? What if it’s not you? What if it is your job that…

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Better Living By Accepting Death

Better Living By Accepting Death

“So, this is it. We’re going to die.” Arthur Dent – Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Arthur is right; we are going to die. It’s unavoidable, no one gets a pass. While many would consider his view overly dour, I would argue that it is neither positive or negative. It is simply true and powerful. Our Relationship With Death We celebrate birth yet fear death, even though they are indivisible parts of the same process with the latter being the…

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